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Inis Cairde School of Irish Dance
2018 Sunday Show Teams
Our treble jig choreography is intended to be an intro and an ending for a camouflaged "jigs down the line."
It's created to be extremely flexible for shows in that it can be done with as few as three people, or as many as know it at a given show. Basically, it's a treble jig three-hand that fits into a group dance the same way the treble reel two-hand does.
Dancers at a given show who don't know the choreography would be assigned solo steps after the three-hand, and then those who know the finishing step would stay onstage and do it all together.
Treble Jig 3H Choreography
As of 2/25/18, here's the final version for the parade with the following few revisions to the opening sets of 8:
Opening: 3's, when you first come forward into the line before the rocks, don't turn, just come straight forward
on the 7 of that same piece, all dancers switch the R foot to the front so that the rock is on the rights
on the unison solo step where everyone goes "jump back stamp stepbatterstep click& down," in place of the three back twists, no we have two sweeps instead, the first of which goes "bang, sweep the R to the back, bang standing L leg at the same time, then step left (no bang) sweep R leg from back to front, then stepbatter&toe up out 1 2 into the next piece.
As of 2/25/18, we have a 16 bar finishing step for our treble jig routine! Basically, it's 16 bars borrowed from the beginning; the piece where everyone travels into a line and rocks. At the end, the ideal goal would be to travel forward into a V and then finish in a straight line.
Here's a video of the finishing step, and since it's the same piece we changed in the opening, you can see the changes here, even if the formations are not the same:
Here's a video of the last eight bars of the choreography that gets everyone back into a line before solo steps (please note it has changed a little bit since January, see this video):
Here are three different videos of the entire thing from January. I took two videos from the front corners of the studio, and Miranda took a third from the back. Again, reference this video for the most updated choreography:
For a glimpse of what the dance looks like as a three-hand, we had two groups that volunteered to try it. I think it's awesome:
After a short hiatus for the Raleigh Feis, we reconvened on Sunday 2/18 to see what all everyone remembered in our very small class :) Here's a video of the 3H from start to finish again:
Fast Hornpipes
On Sunday 2/4, I was explaining to the girls how much fun fast hornpipe can be, particularly working with live musicians. Many Irish musicians play particularly good hornpipes for dancing, whether they are feis musicians or not.
With that in mind, I taught two of my favorite supremely "old school" fast hornpipes to everyone that were quite a blast from the past for me. One was a step that I learned from Danny Tighe in 1997, and the other from Michael Smith in 1998 in Boston.
King of the Fairies Traditional Set
In my mind, King of the Fairies is one of the most unusual trad sets done by dancers today, which is why you don't see it very much. It's a lovely set, full of traditional movements which translate a little bit less seamlessly to our modern style of step dancing than the other sets do.
In keeping with our fast hornpipe theme, we started with the step of King of the Fairies, so that the dancers can either compete it or perform it. Typically speed is 130 for this set:
King Words and Feet Doc
Two King videos (step only):